Chinese Demographics


    Demography is The statistical study of human populations (wikipedia, Demography)
Demography is the system we use to plot population, migration, birth and death rates and all sorts of population related things. Demography can be used to figure out the average age for a country, by tracking births in specific years, for example, China's average age is about 35 years old. Demography also includes tracking of languages and religion as shown in the paragraph(s) below.

Basics of China

China is the world's most populated country and the fourth biggest after Canada, the US and Russia.
The main language spoken in China is Mandarin (putonghua) (Index Mundi)
Other Languages include Cantonese
The main population in China is well, Chinese (duh).
The country also has some minority groups like Koreans (blue), Malaysians (purplish black), chinese muslims (triangles), Turkish (light purple) and Mongolians (purple)

China is also currently in an economic slump that has lasted for almost two hundred years. this slump is now out of the slump with droves of succesful people people popping up all over the country (Fortune in China)
China is currently a cummunist country. Started by Chairman Mao. the country is currently on the rise in the economy and is expected to become on the next big economic super power (So make sure you practice your chinese)