Chinese Demographics


This page will talk all about the population challenges that China faces including the sever overcrowding, the growing population difference and the gender differences. please use the population pyramids below to help guide your way through the information

Population pyramids

These are awesome pyramids used to show how many people of a certain gender are at a certain age. In this case, the units on the bottom are in millions and the units up the top are in years. The boys are on one side and the Girls are on the other side. using population pyramids like these ones can also help predict the future for China's population which will be covered in the next page.

(US Census Bureau)

As seen in the photos above, from 1990 to 2000, to 2010, to 2020, there is are two large spikes which are moving up. These spikes indicate that the population's average age is growing. Below these spikes, the lines become almost like a rectangle going up. this is the result of the One Child policy. If this continues, soon there will be a huge elderly population and not enough children to take care of them. China needs at least 2.1 babies per family in order to replae the population. but the one child policy forbids that two and one tenth of a baby to be born
 Along with that, China has a growing bachelor population, if you look at the population pyramid, There is a difference between the males (blue) and females (pink). The difference isn't significant here, but consider that the pyramind is in millions. A difference of well more than a million people is quite significant. This indicates an obviouse difference in the chinese genders. this problem is due to the one child policy. Since Chinese traditions want families to have boys as kids to carry on the family name, more boys show up as babies, and that coupled with the one child policy forbids the birth of a potential girl.

China has a massive population of over 1.6 billion people. That on it's own is already a problem, the great overcrowding has gotten worse and worse over the last few years in areas like Shanghai and Hongkong. The image below (taken by yours truly, shows the overcrowding situation in some areas of China. The population needs to be moved a bit further North west or this is what the rest of china will look like (as though it doesn't already)
